Focusing On Effective Pest Control

How To Locate And Eradicate A Yellow Jacket Nest In The Exterior Walls Of Your House In Early Spring

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Yellow jacket wasps will soon be emerging from their winter slumber in the Northeast, and the young queen wasps will be looking for places to start a new nest. Among their favorite places to build a nest is in the exterior cracks and crevices of a home. This may not be a problem at first, but as the nest grows, the yellow jackets can enter your home. Yellow jackets are fierce defenders of their nests and if you, one of your family members, or one of your pets gets too close to the nest, they could be attacked by hundreds of yellow jacket wasps while inside the home.…

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There's A Mouse In Your House: 4 Tips For Getting Rid Of Mice

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If you’ve found mice in your home, you need to get rid of them quickly. Mice carry germs and diseases that can make you and your family sick. Not only that, but their dander can aggravate allergies and asthma. Here are four steps you can take to eliminate your rodent problem. Go Heavy On the Traps You might think that one or two traps will take care of the problem. However, when it comes to catching mice, more is better.…

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Garden Mouse Control Tips

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Your garden and lawn can become a magnet for mice looking for a place to nest and feast. This may not seem like a major problem until winter cold hits and the rodents decide to try moving into your warmer home or garage. The following tips can help you manage a rodent problem in your garden area. Tip #1: Cover Your Compost A compost pile can be a major attractant for a mouse.…

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