If you live in a warm climate that a variety of spiders thrive in and are worried about encountering some on your property or in your home, learn how to naturally keep them away with the following tips. Once you have implemented each of the ideas, enjoy your surroundings without being concerned about facing creepy, crawly pests.
Citrus Oil
Citrus oil works as a natural pest repellent that can effectively prevent just about any type of pest from wanting to enter your premises.…
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Though they lack the size and radioactive power ofMothra, carpet moths are real nightmares. They lay hundreds of eggs and eat carpet – no matter how expensive – like it’s a bag of potato chips. They just can’t get enough. So waste no time – use the tips below to get rid of these destructive pests before they get rid of your carpet.
1. Ready the Battlefield
In order to eradicate carpet moths completely, you need to be prepared to wipe them out all at once.…
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Springtime is finally here. Soon, you’ll probably be getting started on preparing your landscaping for the summer.
If you’re concerned about controlling pests around your home, there are a few things you can do around your home’s exterior to minimize the chances that you’ll have to deal with a pest infestation this summer.
The following are five things you can do outside your home to keep pests out:
Put screens over your roof’s vents…
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