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Dealing With Termites In Your Furniture

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When you think of termites, you might think of wood-chewing bugs that live inside the walls of homes. While termites can feast on the wood frames and supports of homes, they can also use furniture as a tasty treat. Fortunately, there are a few ways to prevent and treat termite infestations in your furniture. Use Dehumidifiers Termites are attracted to dark, damp conditions. Keeping your furniture dry is one way to help keep them away.…

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3 Things You Need To Know About Keeping Your House Bug Free

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Keeping pests out of your house is important for every homeowner. It is not just unnerving to have bugs and pests crawling around, it is actually dangerous to the health of your family. Here are some things that every homeowner should be doing to keep their home free of bugs. 1. Keep The Yard Clean and Trash Free Don’t underestimate how important it is to keep your yard clean and free of bugs.…

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2 Ways To Get Rid Of Skunks

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Skunks are kind of cute when you look at them. They waddle when they are walking, and the stripes on the skunk are nifty to look at. However, they don’t smell as good. They also tend to be kind of grumpy, which makes them more likely to spray at whatever scares them, and that can be you or your pets. If a skunk family takes up residence in your house, you will probably want to get rid of it as soon as possible because skunks don’t generally make the best roommates.…

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