Rodents are present in the outdoors naturally whether you live in the woods or in the city. They usually don’t pose a problem until they decide to invade your home in search of shelter or food. One method of rodent control is to remove areas they can use for shelter. If the rats or mice are exposed to the elements or if they can’t hide from predators, they are more likely to move to another yard where living conditions are safer.…
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Now that the weather is warming up, you should start thinking about pest control services. You might not have seen any pests lurking around your home, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t around. In fact, many pests hide out in your home during the winter, just to come out by the hundreds once spring and summer arrive. The best way to eliminate the problems associated with warm weather pest infestations is to hire a pest control service.…
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When you think of termites, you might think of wood-chewing bugs that live inside the walls of homes. While termites can feast on the wood frames and supports of homes, they can also use furniture as a tasty treat. Fortunately, there are a few ways to prevent and treat termite infestations in your furniture.
Use Dehumidifiers
Termites are attracted to dark, damp conditions. Keeping your furniture dry is one way to help keep them away.…
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