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The Best Ways To Keep Pests From Your Pool

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If pests, such as small mammals and rodents, seem to love your pool, you need to take proactive steps to protect your pool from pests this year. Here are three steps you can take to make sure that only you and your invited guests enjoy your pool this year.  Put Up A Fence Around Your Pool The best way to keep small mammals from trying to get a drink of water out of your pool is by putting up a fence around your pool.…

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Chemical Resistance Is Making Bed Bugs Harder To Kill

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New research indicates that bed bugs in the U.S. are becoming even more resistant to the insecticides that are designed to kill them. Worse, they can be picked up so easily that’s there almost no real way to completely ensure against an infestation. You can pick them up as readily in a movie theater as you can a roadside hotel. Learn more about how to handle an infestation of these increasingly resilient little pests.…

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The 3 Numbers On Lawn Fertilizer – What They Are And What They Do

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A lot of people may not fully understand what the three numbers on a bag of lawn fertilizer actually stand for, or how each one is important to your lawn. Beyond knowing that the numbers represent - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (N, P, K) - how those numbers relate to specific lawn needs may be a mystery to you. The numbers specify the percentage by weight for each of the three primary nutrients in a bag of lawn fertilizer.…

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