Most people try to avoid bees but do not think too much about them. After all, if a bee stings you, the spot may turn red and swell, but it is not a major issue. Bees can be dangerous for some people, however. If you are one of the people who are allergic to the venom in bee stings or you are exposed to a swarm, your life could be in danger.…
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If you had just purchased a home that has an old shed on your property, and you have seen signs of mice inside, you will want to take the necessary steps in removing them. An old structure is a haven for all types of creatures looking for a spot to get out of inclement weather. If you wish to revitalize your shed for use in the future, the removal of these pests becomes an important task.…
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Yellow jacket wasps will soon be emerging from their winter slumber in the Northeast, and the young queen wasps will be looking for places to start a new nest. Among their favorite places to build a nest is in the exterior cracks and crevices of a home. This may not be a problem at first, but as the nest grows, the yellow jackets can enter your home. Yellow jackets are fierce defenders of their nests and if you, one of your family members, or one of your pets gets too close to the nest, they could be attacked by hundreds of yellow jacket wasps while inside the home.…
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