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Three Fallacies About Bed Bugs That You Should Know Before You Treat Your Prison

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Are you a prison warden with a bed bug problem? Do some of your inmates have lots of blood-sucking bugs bunking with them in their cells? Before you start racking up the expenses in your head for bed bug treatment, there are three fallacies about bed bugs you should know. Bed Bugs Crawl from Bunk to Bunk While bed bugs certainly could crawl from bunk to bunk and jail cell to jail cell, they generally will not travel far when their host.…

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3 Nostril-Friendly Strategies To Keep Skunks Out Of Your Yard

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Few people cherish the moment they see a skunk digging around in their yard. And who could blame them? Skunks calmly drench objects 15 feet away with their sulfuric spray. But there’s no need to create a stink (literally) over skunks. Why? Because the three safe strategies below will persuade skunks to leave your yard without scaring them into spraying you. 1. Turn Your Yard Into A No-Food Zone Skunks thrive on a wide variety of foods—fruit, dog food, even week-old garbage.…

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Natural Ways To Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Property Or Home

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If you live in a warm climate that a variety of spiders thrive in and are worried about encountering some on your property or in your home, learn how to naturally keep them away with the following tips. Once you have implemented each of the ideas, enjoy your surroundings without being concerned about facing creepy, crawly pests. Citrus Oil Citrus oil works as a natural pest repellent that can effectively prevent just about any type of pest from wanting to enter your premises.…

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