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Types Of Termite Treatments To Consider

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If you think you might have termites in your home or on your property, then it's a good idea to call a professional pest removal company. They can administer an effective treatment to get rid of the termites before they have a chance to cause more damage. There are a few different types of termite treatments that pest control companies can employ. Here's a quick overview of each of them.

Liquid Termiticides

Termites don't always respond well to the typical pesticides that are injected into the soil to help keep other pests, like cockroaches, away. However, there are different liquid insecticides that a pest control company can use just for termites. They will inject these liquids into the soil in a basic ring around your home. The ring will likely be placed a couple of feet from your home's foundation. This way, any termites that try to reach your home will first run into the termiticides and will die. Liquid termiticides tend to work well if you have subterranean termites, a type of termite that spends most of its time in the soil. So, a pest control company may try to trap a few termites to see what kind they are before they apply this treatment.

Termite Baits

If the termites are in your area but have not yet made their way into your home, then the pest control company may want to manage the problem with something called termite baits. These are basically canisters that they will push into the soil at certain points. Termites will be attracted to the baits. They'll grab a little bait and bring it back to their nest, where they will share it with other termites. In this way, baits can help get rid of entire termite colonies, which will not only benefit you but also other homeowners in the area.

Wood Injections

If the termites are already in your home and are feeding on wood structures, the pest control team may want to inject that wood with specific insecticides. Then, when termites eat this wood, they will eat the insecticides, which will kill them. This approach can work well when dealing with dry wood termites, which are often found in attics. 

Talk to a pest control company such as Bug Police LLC to learn more about these termite treatments. They may recommend one or more of them based on the type of termites you have and how large the infestation is.
