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Chemical Resistance Is Making Bed Bugs Harder To Kill

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New research indicates that bed bugs in the U.S. are becoming even more resistant to the insecticides that are designed to kill them. Worse, they can be picked up so easily that's there almost no real way to completely ensure against an infestation. You can pick them up as readily in a movie theater as you can a roadside hotel. Learn more about how to handle an infestation of these increasingly resilient little pests.

Don't overreact if you suspect an infestation.

A lot of people react too quickly once they suspect they have a bed bug infestation, but dragging your mattress or couch outside can actually create more problems than you solve. If you drag a piece of infested furniture (like a mattress) through the house, you may accidentally spread the bugs out around the house in the process. The more widespread the infestation, the harder it will be to treat.

The first thing to do is start to declutter the area where you've spotted the bugs. Start gathering up blankets, bedsheets, and clothing and wash everything that you can in hot water and dry them on hot in the dryer. Non-clothing items should be carefully inspected for bugs before you remove them from the room. Rifle through books, pull photos out of frames, and vacuum out the inside of shoes as you clear out the space. 

Removing as many items as you can from the infested area will give the bed bugs fewer hiding spots and ultimately make them easier to track down and eradicate.

Don't rely on chemical insecticides for treatment.

The latest research indicates that some U.S. bed bugs are already developing resistance to neonicotinoid-based insecticides, which were introduced only five years ago to combat bed bugs that are resistant to the pyrethroid-based insecticides already in use. The rapid development of a tolerance to various insecticides makes it difficult to combat bed bugs without resorting to other measures.

Instead, consider hiring a professional to kill the bed bugs with heat. Bed bugs can't survive in sustained temperatures over 120 degrees. A professional can provide specialized heaters that will effectively raise the temperature in the infected areas of your home long enough to kill not adult bed bugs, their larvae, and their eggs. The heat from these professional heaters can even seep into the baseboards and drywall of your house, effectively eliminating the bugs without resorting to insecticides at all.

Aside from not worrying about whether or not the bed bugs you have are insecticide-resistant, heat treatment doesn't have any impact on your environment. This can be especially advantageous if you have young children or pets that could be easily affected by insecticide exposure. 

For more information about bed bug extermination, contact a professional like Pest Control Solutions.
